Some Minimalist Alternatives :

        Someone was noticing that nowadays, instead of keeping diaries, people more likely would dedicate to relating to the others in a claimed transparent way.
        I couldn't say if it is also a matter of ego this desire to share one's life with openness and interest in...other one's perspective....or if it's a matter of losing the ego into oneness...with equal spread arms into embracing common consciousness...
        Being inspired than by others who share similar approach on lifestyle and who also went on sharing their ways and options and opinions, I choose to also shout out loud how I do it and what why are my instruments for designing my body.
        Well here I go, talking about me, my path and my alternative...and some why-s...
         Cosmetics are one of the products most consumed around me. I have no problem with artistic make-up or make-up whatsoever, ( There also exists something called Henna! ;) )
         I support everyone doing whatever they want with their bodies, but if it's about real aid to the body...I find not just unnecessary but actually harmful and unhealthy while pretending to improve the natural state of the skin, nails, hair, overall beauty...
           So I have not been using almost at all: showering, after-showering, shaving, after-shaving kind of stuff in the past 5 years.
           First of all, I DO use SOAP for hygiene, that means...on my hands, that collect second most quantity of bacteria, but that being said, I can give account for the efficiency of ASH. Simple, plain ash from the fire. In the circumstances I enjoy finding myself, there usually is also a fire burning at least ponce in a while. :) No soap, nor ash on my body. To cancel the smell from sweating - which I consider normal and healthy, I take a moment to even recommend sweat-lodging or to remember the sauna - I wash my armpits with some sodium bicarbonate. For if I am going to spend time in physically crowded places, the ones around me not to notice my pheromones so much as I would like to state my status ( somehow like on fb :)))) ). Besides that and certainly if I am going to be inside my family nest, I just wash my body with water. From the river preferably, depending where I am, if home or traveling, cold in summer and hot in winter. It is more like a nice gift to my skin, water is life! And because I do not use anything that would totally remove my natural fat production, I don't need to put any cream after bathing. Seldom I use some oil like when pregnant and cracks demanded more nourishment and for the stretching marks for it was itchy...or if I got sunburn for example, but that rarely happened even I use no protection when I eat sunlight with my biggest organ: the skin.
And I also do not irritate or even mutilate this precious organ with shaving or waxing any of my hairs. Oh,and  I had no problems with men being tuned off by my fur either...

             Nails...are just fine as they are. You wanna paint problem, have fun, be creative!  For your own sake and the sake of nature, one could search for something better than nail polish. I do not do it for in my daily life, parenting 3...I am so much time with my hands in water, mud, food, much stuff...that would be like adding that ingredient to all the places I go with my fingers :))))) And my nails are strong, I don't like to wear them long, but if they reach some fashionable size they hold on quite well :)
            My hair is a bit more spoiled. I have used organic shampoo a few times while visiting friends that had it, mostly because I find my hair getting very dirty after traveling inside cities and collecting so much car dust, heavy metals and all sort of urban spices. When I stay home or I spend time in a natural environment I only used water. Not even vinegar for I do not feel it getting fat or dirty of the forest dust... I did put in my hair vinegar a couple of times and argan oil a couple of times. With the argan oil it didn't work out because I dared to taste it and it turned out more enjoyable on the bread than on the cracked tips of my hair.... By the way, what's all this with the cracked hair anyway? It seems like another natural process to me... Like...girls get their tips cut once a few months for it has cracked open and ...that's why. I guess it's because it would go up the crack and the hair will break. So they cut it instead. So it doesn't get to break. cracked tips hair reached my belly button... I also like it when it's shinny and soft, but that can be reached with nice oils or plant and flower tea infusions. In my case...I had time twice to self-spa my scalp as I mention above. And that's ok, I do not suffer from lower self-esteem if I don't have a neat hairdo.

              It's been really fine for me from this point of view. To recap: I had no spots, eczemas, any skin disorders, reaction or allergies, rushes, too dried skin, too fat skin, black spots, white spots, rough cheeks, dandruff, not much hair loss, almost no broken nails, no feet fungus even I don't wash my feet with soap, neither my genitals, to mention that candida can move in if the local bacteria is decimated by the chemicals in these products. And I had saved money. And still do.
              Oh, and the mouth hygiene. I will not take on the debate on fluoride, but I must mention that my opinion is against that element. I use sometimes a nice toothpaste I found in the local health-food-store, that is 100% natural, only clay, several essential oils and colloidal silver, I have also did it myself combining the ingredients, all eatable such that kids can swallow it!!! Or, even more minimalist: coconut oil with turmeric. Any oil is good to rinse the mouth for a few minutes anyway. And chewing parsley, sage or other green leaves will help keeping a healthy mouth by balancing the PH and the flora and also taking in calcium for strong bones and teeth, greens being the most appropriate source of calcium for humans!
              And besides all cosmetics, I also ditched most of the cleansing products that only would harm my skin, my eyes, my children if ingested, my river, my planet... with same alternatives: ash, vinegar, sodium bicarbonate, lemon, essential oils. It works perfectly to even wash in the washing machine with vinegar+lavender oil for example, no need for stain removal nor softener, vinegar is pretty powerful for my 11 years old son's jeans :))))) I clean surfaces with same combination, adding baking soda if needed and the dishes I wash with ash most of the times. My menstruation cotton patches I wash by hand with cold water. No stains. No risks of infections as rumored the moon-cup and proven life-threatening tampons! (  )
              Without all this stuff I spare myself of having to have a special locker with a childproof door and to have to buy mask to cover my mouth while using chlorine, cover my hands while washing the oven or the toilet ( only really hazardous products for these two ) and I don't spend preoccupation, time, money, energy around this subject.

                 I will not come back again this theme, so I get to hold a speech now about how much pointless rubbish we surround ourselves with and so it is constantly produced more for the demand is what governs the markets. May it be taken into consideration all the implications of our shopping: Animals tested and not even for some medical research! Waste water full of chemical compounds killing and mutating the oceans! Your body caught up in a vicious circle of trying to solve an issue with an instrument that would create another issue, like side effects or addiction ( hair gets addicted to shampoo, gets very fast fat when no more using it for a while etc, skin rushes from shaving or eczema from body-lotions or dish-washing solution, fluorosis ,  etc ) ! And the responsibility for dictating the trends in a destructive domain and indulging and perpetuation delusion!

              All there is around naturally would provide for the well function of our bodies. Than there must be something really disconnected that we got to feel incomplete, not proper, not perfect, offending mother nature's fractal design, we struggle to tame it, to replace it, to comb it and organizing it in nice lines so it fits the standards...


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From the infinite possibilities, aiming for the most harmonious...Feel free to debate! <3