...I once believed in freedom. The only real boundaries acknowledged here were supposed to be the limits of my body. The world is though composed of different types of accepted matrices and it is demanded to belong to one of them. That for its own survival, not mine, for its continuity, not my choices, for why change a winning team? Well... Because there is nothing to win, all profit goes to the organizers and the participants are tricked by the illusion of fame and the thrills of competing.
I once believed the societies are made for our better administration of our abilities and resources. I thought we want to have it nice... I believed the civilized world represents indeed the evolution on this planet. Maybe I was wrong assuming it heads towards prosperity and happiness for all beings. I see the slavery that has always been so typical to our race... Applying it to the ones of our kinds. I mean to all the nature around...I guess we forgot we are a fragment of the whole and everything is connected. So it's more like putting a string around our own legs or eating our own eyes... Is this how we are progressing?

              I once believed in the objectivity, in the fair and just interaction, but we learn everyday on TV how to not trust each other. And how could we trust someone that takes care with love and devotion of another living creature to end up slaughtering and consuming its flesh? How could we trust someone that talks about freedom to our children in classes and demands them to answer when they are asked and prove they can reproduce what they have been told they should know? With the children it begins the end of freedom. With the most pure and free ones. So they can grow and perpetuate this freedom inside the golden cage, like the dog happy to get some rests of people's meals in exchange of fulfilling with their demands and stay in leash...maybe the dog would find a better meal and more comfortable shelter and enjoy his time in this world administrating his own life, so did we just sold our lives in exchange of the promise to get daily meals and shelter? Is it even any real security in this? What if the master replaces his dog with a gadget application one day?  Is it he dog really living his life or is it only serving in order for the master to enjoy his time in this world?

               There has been researches showing the power of the wild food compared with the industrial grown , all controlled and regulated foods we are feeding our bodies. There is psychological researches talking about the progress of our brains while stimulated by new challenges, by living without fixed schedule and obviously, to think for yourself instead of following orders would be more likely to survive in any situation, still nowadays challenges are of virtual matter... Having a society of wealthy, all capable individuals would eliminate the reason to have governments and controlling layers in the society. Why would they agree with the freedom of chances? There would be no more "they" if the children would be shown how to think and find solutions more than what to think and what to apply in standard procedures.  And because we need the creative minds and the repressed personal dreams, the society claims as progress a new furniture design, giving kudos to the individual and inviting to become better in fields that actually make no real impact in the evolution on this planet. Or are you not wondering why the inventors of free energy generators are not being as popular as a hairstylist?
So many of the people would agree with me that the world we live in is not very nice and functional for everybody, that the capitalism is the new religion and that to have it better one can only aspire to become one of those that rule over the rest... What is ignored is the possibility to have it different...

               Some say that I take away the real possibilities for my kid to become someone...I would say the possibilities for him to be in the front line of this suicidal society... For he has rights to be part of something he has no idea what is all about, blinded by the shiny toys of McDonald's while swallowing some proper food...for I had been blamed of keeping him unfed for I choose organic, vegan, local, seasonal food instead of products made by ingredients that nobody have heard of. For, as I was saying...the traditional way is the only way... And what the master gives to the dog is the only think nature has, and his real nature was lost while his puppies were raised in cages as employers... I had been criticized also that I did not took the child to school because, after 4 years of participating in the official state education in 3 different countries, me and my son choose for him to try instead home schooling.  My son have daily studies of many fields ... He reads and writes in 4 languages, does geometry and arithmetics, studies human body' s anatomy and world geography, he is doing arts, plays instruments and sports and spends the rest of the time using his body climbing trees, biking or exploring and having fun with the kids in the area... His entire time is administrated by himself and he is aware of what and why he is learning anything, in his own rhythm and coming to me to share his new knowledge or debate curiosities he has encountered while studying... Many people around me said I had been to school and it was all right, but I see things changing every year...and at least the reasons I was attending there were to study and learn from someone that was spending the time bringing the information to the children,  I also had the luck to be inspired by open minders and not square thinking teachers... What I see now in the schools is only a place where youth can socialize using trivial possessions and appearance, practicing the future superficial relations between busy important owners of stuff...for our children are educated into finding happiness in having things and comfort, and power and value in the shopping centers... Where they all meet and talk about objects that represents their souls....
     In the end... I do not like to criticize, I do not enjoy complaining and I would not even care so deeply if I would have not been directly affected by these perspectives on the common reality... But I learn, I grow, I become the best version of myself thanks to all the experience I encounter...
    I will at the end master patience, acceptance and humbleness, I will keep myself open to any possibility and don't be sure of anything... I do not claim having the ultimate knowledge neither the best way of living, but I pray for freedom and hope we can use the experiences here to develop each individual without demanding the others to fulfill with one self's tyranny!

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